Wednesday, October 23, 2013


In these following photos I really captured the emotions of my models. I did so with the expressions of their eyes. I feel like you really can peer into the emotions within their heart in these photos. 
Enjoy! I know you will!


  1. I think your portraits are very good, and think most of them show sincere, real emotions. I think the bottom one and the one with nico show the least amount of true emotion. I really like the first one and the second to last ones, which show the best emotion.

  2. I really like your portraits. I think they capture the essence of everyone you photographed. I really like your last photo, it reminds me a lot of Avedon's work.

  3. I really like your photos but im not sure why theyre so small. the one of me is my least favorite but the one of charlie came out great. keep up the good work

  4. Photos are showing up small, but I can still pick out the detail. Good shots overall, I think you could get more emotion out of the subjects if they were looking at the camera directly.

  5. photos show up really small. that might be because of you using your iPhone. I really like the one of ben because it shows alot of emotion. good work!

  6. All of these photos are good but the picture that stood out most to me was the last one. You could see all the emotions on the persons face and you did a good job of getting his emotions to come out.

  7. These are great. I like how in the first photo you took a shot from further away because I think body language is a great way to express emotion. The last photo is also very impressive. The only photo I would change is the 5th one, because the model doesn't look quite genuine. Great work.

  8. You have a good collection of portraits here. I like your photo of Nico the most because it is the best reproduction of Avedon's work. I think your photo of Max doesnt quite work in the collection. The shadows and the blue undertone isolate it from the group. Overall, nice work!
