Monday, December 2, 2013

Life in a Blur -Uta Barth

This batch was one of my favorite yet. I did this series of photos complementing the style of Uta Barth and the way she captures details of the photo using blurry out of focus features that you usually wouldn't see.


  1. I really like your blurred pictures, and think they very effectively reflect your artists style. I really liked the vignette blurred picture of the church across the street. The only thing that I am not sure about is the one that isn't blurred of the posing girl with the hat on. I didn't really see how it was like the others.

  2. The blurred photos are definitely the most similar to your photographers. They are interesting and add an element of mystery. I think you should of worked more on blurred photos and lights. Your'e photos are great

  3. The blurred/out of focus shots really capture the style of your artist. I would work on getting points of light incorporated into the blurry shots.

  4. I like how all these photos are different and how you have a lot out of focus which makes the colors look cool. the first one is really good

  5. Your photos are very cool and show Drew life. Not all of them are blurry and next time, I would try a different scene. And some new subjects.

  6. These are great. you do a really good job with the blur effects and have taken great notice of the style of your artist. The only photo that i think could be improved is the second one. my favorite is the first. good job.

  7. I really like all your photos and you did a nice job imitating Uta Barth's style. My favorite photo is first one. Maybe next time try to take pictures of some different subjects. Nice work!

  8. Really great photos! My favorite photo is the 1st one for sure. Maybe next time try some different lighting. :)

  9. these photos are all awesome! My favorite is the first one because its really cool.

  10. I really like your collection. my favorite photo is the third one. One suggestion that I have for you is to try and use the unfocused effect to create depth more like the photo of nico rather than than the last one. You could also use the blur to show a certain emotions. Great job tho!
