Thursday, October 3, 2013

little people

In the following pictures I have put together some spectacular shots and some not so spectacular. The reason some of these did not turn out so well is because of the back round choices. Some of the back rounds and angles makes a great shot but can sometimes sacrifice the believability of the picture which was the objective in these photo missions. Look out for my next batch!!


  1. For the most part, the were some pretty good pictures here. One that caught my eye as a not so great photo was the picture of the horses. It was very blurry and I couldn't see the face of the horses in focus. Next time, maybe make sure that the photo is focused before you take the shot.

  2. I really like these pictures; they are very creative. My favorite picture is the one with the giraffe. Maybe next time try focusing more on the figures, so that the audience can see their faces. Good job:)

  3. These are all good photos. I really like the first one with the giraffe because it looks realistic. Next time try to make sure all of the figures are in focus and so you can see their different expressions.

  4. I like this batch of photos. I especially like the one of the soldiers shooting the man. maybe make sure the photo is completely focused on the subject next time. Good Job :)

  5. I like the creativity. My favorite is the first one. Next time try to get the camera closer to the ground to make the photos look more life like. You have a very creative set here. great job

  6. I like your photos and the story they tell. Next time, I would try different effects on the photos. I would also use different figures in the photos. The Giraffe feels repetitive.

  7. Your photos are really cool. I like how you used all real things for your backgrounds. For some of them though, try to take the picture closer up so you can really see the characters facial expressions. Also try to keep the camera in focus. Good Work!

  8. I like the scenarios you have but i think if you get closer up to the toys it might look more realistic
