Wednesday, March 12, 2014

portrait series 3


  1. Pretty cool batch, I like the opennes each photo has, especially third and fourth. Not sure if I like how you made this batch all in color, i think the black and whites/sepia look quite cool. also like the one of Jordan haha. Good job though

  2. Really great photos I can tell youre really starting to develop a style and feel to your photos. I Think the second and third are really strong. Maybe next time work on editing and possibly black and white. great job

  3. I really like your photos especially the third one, because of the angle you shot at and the empty space. Next time you could try experimenting with different filters. Great work!

  4. these are different than your past batches. i like how you didnt try to follow a certain trend and let each photo come naturally. i especially like the third photo. though not much of a portrait, i like the use of background and color. keep it up.

  5. This is a very unique set, I really enjoyed looking at the varied backgrounds.

  6. All of these photos look great. My favorites are the third and last photos because the backgrounds are open and clear.

  7. thesephotos are really great/funny if you understand the deeper meaning behind them haha. Great Work!

  8. I like the last one of sam a lot because of how the background is plain and makes him pop a lot. but i also like all your colors and where you place your subject in all your photos
