Thursday, January 16, 2014



  1. I really enjoy the third photo because the spiral design bends everything, even the light above the people. However, the center of the spiral is clear and free from any blurriness. Perhaps you uploaded the wrong picture, but the first image is more appropriate for the silhouette assignment than in this motion series, since there are no blurs.

  2. You went beyond the minimum and i applaud you for that. I really love your technique of rotating your photos to create a warped feel to the photos. My favorite is the one rotated one with the girl, the colors are amazing. my least favorite are the first two which i think are supposed to be under silhouettes. great job on all the rest

  3. Image 8 is my favorite from this set. Looks like some sort of outer space kite. Very good job on capturing motion with your photos.

  4. Great batch! I think all of them except for the first two really show extravagance and motion. I think the first two have little to no motion and are more portraits and silhouette

  5. you posted alot of photos! i really like the one of Nico and Aidan walking in the library. It is very intriguing. Great Work!

  6. a lot of great photos larry, a lot of them captured motion and silouhette. My favorite is the one where you following people in the library, really captures motion and leading lines. the ones of nico are lacking a little creativity, but they are still good.

  7. These are all great photos. My favorite photo was the ninth an my least favorite was the first two because they didn't show any motion.

  8. you do a really good job with the spin effect. some of your photos could have used more motion, but overall you did great. that picture of the handsome man with the drew piece would have been cool if it was in motion.

  9. I like the photo of the light in the bathroom of aidan because of the creepy green and motion and it works really well. but all of your motion is really good too.

  10. Laurence,

    I like how you were able to take so many examples of motion photos and get such a variety of them, however I don't see any particularly strong examples. If you choose to work with this style more then I recommend both finding a particular style and focusing on capturing stronger photos. Good job tho
